September 3, 2014

JAMA Comment on the Launch of New Abe Cabinet

Fumihiko Ike, Chairman, Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.

JAMA welcomes the launch of the new Cabinet announced today by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and looks forward to vigorous efforts on its part in further promoting the revitalization of the Japanese economy engineered thus far by the Abe administration.  We have high hopes that, under Mr Abe’s firm leadership, the new executive lineup will do its utmost to introduce measures that will steer the nation’s economy to full-fledged growth. 

Among the numerous issues at hand, JAMA strongly advocates reductions in Japan’s corporate tax rate and the continued promotion of economic partnership agreements (EPAs) including the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the EU-Japan EPA.  We also call for the implementation of measures to bolster the competitiveness of Japan’s domestic industries and reduce the excessive tax burden imposed on automobile owners/users in Japan.

On behalf of the motor vehicle industry, JAMA stands ready to support and cooperate fully with the new Cabinet in order to contribute to the achievement of “virtuous cycles for the economy” of Japan.